Monday, January 10, 2011

~New Years~ Blah, Blah

This is just a little post to myself. Not of much importance.
Lately has been interesting, albeit a little boring.
A few days ago I went to the Coach outlet in Lebanon. It was a lot of fun! So many purses marked waaayyy down. I even had a 20% off coupon. But still to expensive that I couldn't get any :(.
smiley picture because I don't smile enough in my pictures
I did get a really cute hat which I'm wearing.
I also kind of have a car now, it looks pretty awful a Chevy lumina I might post a picture of it later when its out of the shop.

In retrospect 2010 was an ok year.
Not a lot happened.
Penny died, my loyal childhood pet.
Penny in her final week

Got a new puppy, which was given away, then subsequently got a new puppy named Johan (which no one finds humorous except for me.)
Johan doing what he does best chewing on things

Felt ugly, felt pretty, made lots of pretty things and quit 3 times as many projects as I made.
Didn't go to college for vague philosophical reasons I don't even remember anymore.
Some friends left, some friends stayed.
Spent a lot of time with Emily(

Been snowing a lot more than usual. And I just sit and watch in contentment but yet thinking about all the others things, I need to do, should do. But its all so beautiful that I don't get up, because why ruin a moment when your blissfully happy.
Taken up embroidery
"I survived the May Flood"
My backyard

Watched alot of movies, didn't watch TV (The Graduate may have ruined my life)
Dyed my hair brown, thank God it washed out.

Got back on Accutane
Searched, and still searching for a job
Bought books I never finished

Sort of made a resolution, just to blog more. Twice a week, even if its about nothing.

Anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful blessed year!!!!!!!!!!!!

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