Sunday, May 27, 2012

French Cafe Angelic Pretty Coord

Just wanted to post a coordinate from a long time ago. My friend and I went to a local Lolita meetup here in TN. It was my friends first meetup I think we all officially converted her :3

Doesn't she look cute? I wish we could've taken more pics!

Here's my outfit! I must say French cafe is really cool it even has pockets! I think blue was by far the best colorway in this series
I'm so sad I had to sell it, for spending money in France, ironic huh? ;(

The party itself was really fun! The hostesses Alexandra and Rebecca ( I think) were so kind and really tried to make sure everyone was welcome. Which included favor bags! Just a note to everyone favor bags= automatic awesome meetup.
If It wasnt plastic I would eat it :3

 Everyone got a little phone charm made by Alexandra aka aikazi you can find more stuff on her Alice Doll Etsy: Here

Other Girls at Party, They all look so pretty! :D To bad the picture came out sort of blurry, I took it with my phone.

My Party Shot Excuse my derp derp face


  1. Aww thanks this made my day!

    Subject: [alpineheidi] Re: * Alpine Heidi*: French Cafe Angelic Pretty Coord

  2. Subject: [alpineheidi] Re: * Alpine Heidi*: French Cafe Angelic Pretty Coord
