Sunday, June 2, 2013

My Most Recent Wardrobe Addition

      So today I was very exited to wear my newest addition to my wardrobe: BTSSB Snow White JSK in black. It has been a dress I've been looking for a long time. At first I found it in pink, and then literally the next day it showed up in black. Talk about buyer remorse. I need to sell the pink as its strange to have two of the same dress, I'd rather have variety! It's an older print, with a gorgeous rendering of the story of Snow White. I think I like older prints more than new prints. They have such a nostalgic feel, and remind me of when I was first getting into this fashion years ago.~*

     The dress is very versatile and can be dressed up or down. Today I chose to make an otome styled coordinate, for the meetup I was supposed to go to today. Unfortunately, it was canceled because of the rain. But I still put on my frills and had a meetup of one. 

I went with simple hair and makeup today. Currently, I'm on the search for apple themed items to go along with this dress, instead I had to settle for my Cinderella's carriage necklace. The blouse is chiffon and perfect for summer, grab one at F21 while its still available as its a great, cheap wardrobe builder for your Lolita ensembles.

PS: This is also my first Lolita Blog Carnival post! 
Check out other's most Recent Wardrobe Additions


  1. I loooooooove that print so much! If you'd bought it in red I'd be so tempted to buy it off you (●´艸`)。゚

  2. Hi cutie!
    I heard you search for Lolita blog I am :D
    Here is my blog:

    I like your outfit and those red shoes match it perfectly<3
    Maybe you need some hair accessory?
    Your hairstyle is also cute :)

  3. Hallo! Deiner Blog ist auf Deutsch? Ich kann Deutsch lesen, aber nicht sprechen so gut. XD Ja, Ich brauche eine Haare Acecessorie, aber ich habe keine schwarze Alice Bows/accessorie

    Danke für den süßen Komplimente <3

    Ich entschuldige für mein schlechtes Deutsch XD
