Friday, April 11, 2014

Lolita Blog Carnival : Next Item on my wishlist

The next item on my wish list is Juliette et Justine’s Cecil Robe! I don’t think I will ever find it, though still listed on the web shop, it is out of stock. I emailed them about restocking but they never contacted me back, unfortunately…… Now that I think about I can not recall ever seeing hardly any of JetJ's items being in stock

I have always admired JetJ’s painting dressing, but none of them were quite right to me… some were cut weird, some just had downright ugly paintings on them. However, Cecil Robe is absolute perfection!

Cecil Robe’s is based off of Waterhouse’s painting of a sleeping St Cecilia. ( Random Fact: Andrew Lloyd Weber, the creator of The Phantom of the Opera musical, purchased the painting for 6 million British pounds! Luckily, Cecil Robe isn't quite that much)

Pre-Raphaelite is my favorite art movement, I also think the bodice is super elegant, without being to over the top.

Juliette Justine's web store can be found here, where you can see more beautiful designs...that are all out of stock Lol

To See other Wish list Items click the below links for other Lolita Bloggers
Lolita Blog Carnival
armure de rose
Sidhe Banshee
McDuff Auditorium
Sweet and Simple
A little bit of this ... A little bit of that
Northern Star
Lolita Glamour
Fire Extinguisher


  1. That dress is super pretty! I'm not that far into Classic lolita, I just admire from afar, but if I saved up enough money JetJ would be one of my top shops this month *^*

  2. Thank you for the follow, you are super sweet <3 I followed you back on Tumblr. And yes I too have to mostly admire JetJ, I only have one dress and it is a super old print, but I still love it anyways
    PS Your tumblr is super cute I like the music :3
