Monday, December 6, 2010

Simplicity 6435 Review ,First Time with Plaid!

This spring I really lucked out, I got a big box of patterns at Goodwill. Though listed 1$ each I got the whole box for a dollar! One of my favorites was this:

A 1960's simplicity 6435 pattern. I love it! Its very "Oxford Chic". I sort of feel like a privileged English student in it. I got some fabric on sale, but I was a little worried because I had never used plaid before. But when the concept was explained to me I found it was a lot easier than I had expected. Though I not say I would love working with it again. I was so afraid of it not matching up right. But with a lot of careful patience, I managed to make it match up quite well. 
What I did was found a stripe on the fabric(a white one)  and set my seam allowance on it. I made sure my centers were even. and I matched up the bottoms so they ended at the right part of the fabric. I used a rotary mat and it was very helpful for measuring everything up right. I won't go to in depth because it would be confusing without pictures.Speaking of pictures I tried to have my brother take him. Big mistake! I found all the pictures were taken at unflattering angles, as well as unflattering closeups of my butt and face. So I seem a little ticked off in the pictures because I am. Hahaha(well it does sort of go with the look doesn't it?)

Pattern Description:
Dress with high round neckline, collar and back zipper. Has simulated front button closing, purchased belt, top-stitching and an A-line skirt. Roll up set in sleeves.
Pattern Sizing:
 Vintage sizing 10, 31 bust
Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it?
Exactly, probably one of the closest I have seen with a vintage pattern.
Were the instructions easy to follow?
Yes they were very easy
What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern?
I loved this pattern but it was a little old that it sort if disintegrated while I was using it. I liked that it had different options, no sleeves, pin tucks. Sleeves were a nice size as well.
Fabric Used:
A gray, blue, and black plaid. I can't remember the exact fabric but I will go out on a limb and its probably some sort of cotton wool blend.
Pattern alterations or any design changes you made:
None, but I sort of wish I had increased the bust a little(which is something I would never think I would have to do in a million years!, in fact the pulling at the bust makes me a little happy heehee)
Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others?
I would absolutely sew it again! I'm actually thinking of making the version with the pin tucks.
If you see this at a thrift store, Etsy, ext I would pick it up immediately before it gets snatched up! I feel it is a very versatile garment. I can wear it pretty much everywhere. Its such a classic style to that it can be made again, and again especially with the variations it offers.

The only good picture he took!


So what do you think? Oh and one tip! If you have smaller natural waist line, try getting belts in the little girls sections. They are only 5 dollars usually(much cheaper than adult belts) I have found they are great since many of my vintage patterns call for belts.
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